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Love Rosie 2014 torrent
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Love Rosie 2014 torrent: Rosie and Alex were the best friends to the & oacute; LMI since they were 5, so it could not be for everyone ... if they could? When it comes to love, life and make the right choice & oacute; w, these two are the biggest enemies of their own. Uncomfortable bending 18, a missed opportunity ... and life sends them swaying in R & oacute; issued Up directions. But anyway, in time, space and r & oacute; & oacute issued Up continent, in, bond, angle & oacute; ra combines them can not be undone. They will find their way back to each other, whether it be for P & oacute; ZnO? Based on the best-selling Cecelia Aherns Where Rainbows End, at the end of the rainbow is a modern comedy-of-Inverter Fault & oacute; in history be the ultimate question: Is it really just a chance for true love? |
Review : Sam Claflin and Lily Collins play Alex and Rosie, whom we watch grow from childhood friends to awkward adults, separated by sea but bound by heart. Bless. No contrivance is left uncontrived to keep them apart. Bad relationships. Babies. Even worse relationships. Its life, Jim, but not as we know it. Fans of the book may be dismayed to learn that the film deviates from the text in the final act although by then they might actually be glad were not going the whole hog.Conspicuously boring, the film lifelessly portrays the lives of two remarkably cute yet determinedly unremarkable people who seem to be making a conscious effort to build a semi-tragic love story while leaving a trail of half-loved partners in their wake. Its all building to an inevitable kiss. Unfortunately, a combination of poor editing, and rapid-onset attention deficit syndrome on my part, meant I went through the movie under the misapprehension that Alex and Rosie had already got jiggy at the start, which may have undermined some of the climactic impact.The supporting cast is comprised of pantomime villain boyfriends, poisonously bitchy girlfriends, and an infinitely accommodating pro-life Catholic family. Rosies best friend is one of those handily not-quite-as-pretty mates (Jaime Winstone) who says things bluntly and whose impossibly simple personal philosophy acts solely to highlight the needless complications of Rosies own life.This is a ruthlessly formulaic movie in which I lost count of the occasions that Alex or Rosie would come to the conclusion that they love each other, only to discover in the same instant that the other was committed elsewhere. Each dull revelation is followed by empowering montage, propelled by a listless soft rock soundtrack. The early slapstick humour all baby vomit and lost condoms is Carry On funny (by which I mean not funny) and gives way to more grown-up jokes of the blandly observational variety. Nothing that hasnt been noticed by countless Saturday night stand-ups.This is unreal life depicted as a series of poetic coincidences, giving the illusion of fate. Its utterly disingenuous. What, perhaps, wistful 14-year-olds might imagine adult relationships are like. The rest of us are thinking: Get over it. Man up or move on. Somewhere there may be an interesting film to made about the way in which bleeding heart romantics skilfully maintain unconsummated tension over time, but this isnt it.Claflin and Collins are likable leads, and with a decent script and a plausible story they might have showed some chemistry. But its hard to connect cinematically over text, Skype, and eye-rolling narrative contrivance. I fear that audiences may find it similarly hard to connect with this film.
Runtime: 102 min Audio: 5.1 Language: Eng Resolution: 704x480 Frame Rate: 24 fps Video Audio Bitrate: 256 kbps |
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